Thursday, July 8, 2010


Wikispace is a free to use public program that allows users or groups to create webpage’s to display, edit, and view information. Each personal space can contain a number of pages, images, files, and videos that can be edited and uploaded to by any user. It's user friendly and only consists of a few short steps in creating a profile.

The Main differences between wiki’s and blogs according to Everything Wiki (2009), Is that "a wiki is a collaborative website which can be directly edited by anyone with access to it, where as a blog is a personal or corporate website in the form of an online journal, with new entries appearing in sequence as they are written".

In a learning context however, I would not recommend this program. Firstly the openness of the program to the public and the inability to track users updates could see the Wikispace used in unproductive and even harmful ways. With this in mind there are a number of positives to using this program. If used to develop and present a class or group project, this program would be useful as it allows for collaborative learning to occur. However, overall I believe the negatives outweigh the positives and I would not implement this program in the learning environment.

-Click on the image to view my wikispace.

-(Image courtesy of Wikispaces and


A blog, or other wise known as a web log, is an online personal or professional journal.

It is created and edited by the user and can be viewed by any number of followers. It’s main purpose is to reflect a persons views and opinions on any topic of the creators choice. Blogs are particularly useful as they allow other views to provide comments or feedback on the creators work.

Using blogs as a tool in the learning context can aid in the effectiveness and practical aspects of any chosen activity. If used effectively, blogs create opportunities for communication between students, teachers, and parents. They also provide opportunities for students to use ICT’s in the classroom in a safe and enriching manner. AS an example of implementing blogs into the learning environment i have created a lesson plan. To view my lesson plan click on the following link;

CMIS (2010) states that 'Blogs provide a communication space that teachers can utilise with students whenever there is a curriculum need to develop writing, share ideas and reflect on work being undertaken in the classroom'. Furthermore, because of the releative ease in creating free to use blogs, they become a very viable classroom activity. For further infomration on blogs including; the educational value, the classroom application, and how to get started, click on the following link;

(Image courtesy of Master New Media and
* CMIS 2010: Blogs In Education. (2010). Retrieved 25 August, 2010, from CMIS web site: