Sunday, July 25, 2010


Today I attempted to create my own podcast using Unfortunately this program is no longer taking new users so i was unable to continue with with digital tool. It did say that I may be able to create an account at a latter date so I will try again soon. If there is anyone having the same trouble I would love to hear your comments. Thanks

My second attempt at Podcasting was almost as unsuccessfull as my first. This time I used Podomatic, as they are still excepting new members. I created an account, uploaded a photo, and a music file, as well as followed a fellow e-learning members podcast. However, I was unable to actually upload a podcast or create my own podcast. Any instructions on how to do this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
My URL for my PodOmatic website is;


Picnik is a free to use program that allows the user to manipulate images. It's fun and easy to use, but bewear, it can be very addictive and time consuming. The following is a before and after shot of a picture I have manipulated using Picnik.


Flickr is a free to use program that allows users to browse or upload images and movies. Each image is covered under the Creative Commons Licence, which means images and movies are free to download and use. However, it is common courtesy to reference all sources.

This picture is titled 'Crazy Boy' and would be used in a creative writing learning experience. Where by students would be shown the picture. Here a 3 minute pause might be effective to allow student’s time to process the picture and all that it entails. A discussion would then be held on different interpretations, an emphasis should be placed on no right or wrong answers. The students would then set about writing a story incorporating the picture. This picture appealed to me as there is no easily identifiable explanation. This allows the learners to use their imagination and creativity to create, explore and produce written stories.

Images used in an educational setting should have a further purpose of goal. They should not just be used to decorate or add colour to work. In this case the picture would be used to provoke a feeling from the students; these feelings would then be used to create a response.

-Image courtesy of Christopher Lange found at;

Power Point

The term PowerPoint has taken on a whole new meaning to me after completing the tutorial activity. Who knew PowerPoint’s could do more then just display static information? The potential for interactivity and group collaboration from using PowerPoint as a learning journey (instead of a means to present information) is endless.

This digital tool tutorial first saw me create a concept map using Microsoft word. This was a way to help identify key learning topics that had to be covered in the learning activity. By using an outline view I was then able to send my information to Microsoft PowerPoint. This was challenging as the tutorial showed how to complete this section in Word 2007 only. After consulting a blog on the coffee lounge, I quickly found out how to complete this section of the tutorial. Once my information had been sent to PowerPoint my slides were already set up for me and ready to go.

In this section I learnt how to create non-linear presentations. I learnt how to create hyperlinks to different sections of my PowerPoint and create action buttons like home, next question, and back. From here I was able to develop a multiple choice quiz.

This digital technology would be to time consuming for students to create their own. Although it has enormous potential for students to develop deeper, higher order thinking skills, the time allocated to scaffolding such a task would interrupt the learning time. However as a teaching tool this digital technology is fabulous.

I recently implemented a science unit. Each sub-section of my unit was accompanied by a PowerPoint of facts, figures, and useful information. Instead of teaching students from the PowerPoint, it would have been much more beneficial to the students to teach them first, and then allow them in either small groups, or as a whole class, to go through the information in a non-linear way finishing with a short multiple answer quiz on the topic. Furthermore, by adding the quiz to the end of the presentation a clear indication of the student’s knowledge and understanding on the topic would be evident.

This type of technology would be more beneficial if it were implemented as a student centred activity. As the PowerPoint is a scaffolded learning journey the students can work through at their pace, moving backwards and forwards until they are happy with their level of understanding and knowledge. To conclude I have created a lesson plan, as an example of how PowerPoints can be embedded into the learning context. To view my lesson plan click on the following link;