Tuesday, July 27, 2010

You Tube (Digital Video)

A Great way to view and share digital videos is through an on-line program called YouTube. As this program is open to the public, allowing students to browse through this site would be highly risky as the content can be explicit. However, there are a number of free programs available that allow you to download and save digital videos from YouTube. Another great aspect of YouTube is that there is a teacher’s version called TeacherTube. This site has a wealth of educational sound videos that match up to core curriculum content. The following digital video is one that I have found on YouTube. This particular video is a perfect example of an educationally sound video as it links to core curriculum strands and KLA's.

This video would be used as a teaching tool to introduce the topic of sustainability. To be effective it would be used in conjunction with other learning materials. For example The video may be used as a hook to engage students into the topic and get them thinking about associated concepts. After the video is played a class brainstorm may be conducted as a follow up activity to have students recall important ideas, facts, and opinions. From here individual KWL charts may be constructed by students, and used by the teacher to inform future learning experiences.

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