Friday, July 9, 2010

Weebly Website

Weebly is a website creation program that is engaging, easy to use, and packed with features. It allows users to create multi paged websites on any topic of the users choice. There are a number of design options to suit different topics and the easy to use editing toolbar makes this program very suitable for school aged students.

Other features included in the Weebly website creating program is the ability to include a blog. This program would be extremely useful in a learning context as the students could create a multi paged website based on their assignment and blog reflections about their learning journey for other students, teachers, and parents to see.

This program would see students actively involved in their learning and the reflection process. Furthermore, opportunities for collaborate learning will occur as students look at others work and make professional comments about information presented, processes undertaken, and reflections.

This digital tool would sit effectively in a constructivist learning environment. Where the "content is not pre-specified, direction is determined by the learner and assessment is much more subjective because it does not depend on specific quantitative criteria, but rather the process and self-evaluation of the learner" (Mergel, B 1998).

The following represents a PMI chart to demonstrate an overall evaluation of using Weebly as a digital tool in the learning context:
Plus: Easy to use, lots of feature, engaging designs, technological based,
Minus: More attention may be paid to design features rather then level of educational content.
Interesting: promotes collaborate learning and self reflection.

I have created a Weebly website. It contains detailed lesson plans on implementing digital technologies into the learning context. There is a specific page on how to implement websites, into the classroom. To view my Weebly website click on the following;

-Mergel, B. 1998. Instructional Design and Learning Theories. [Online Journal]. Educational Communication and Technology University of Sashatchewan. Retrieved on 20, July, 2010 from

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leah
    loved your ideas on how we can implement a blog into our classrooms. I was however wondering where you retrieved your Quote from in your blog information there seems to be no reference listed and i would like to read the article as. Maybe a hyperlink thanks
